Best buy deals for the Xbox 360 and PS3

Best buy deals for the Xbox 360 and PS3

Best buy’s black Friday deals are out. The company is giving away XBOX and PS3 spoftwares and hardwares at cheaper rates. However, the best buy isn’t giving away any deals on games that would attract buyers extensively.

The hardware on sale includes a 160 GB Sony Ps3 Bundle with two games and a Blu-Ray movie for $299.99 (cars, Mod nation racers and Little Big planet G. O. T. Y.) and a 4GB XboX 369 bundle with three Lego games for $199 (batman, Indiana jones, star wars).

On the Software side the materials on sale are the latest Ps3 and XboV titles for $29.99 and $39. pp. this packages has games like Fable III, halo Reach, Fallout: New Vegas. You can also find some more details at the BFAds. Read more...